Grooms Hand Thrush Solution

Groom’s Hand Thrush Solution ®


“Groom’s Hand Thrush Solution is

best product I have used. I use it on hoofs, cuts and rain rot. Easy to use and protects the hoof. Never go without it”

—Velvet S, Review

Derma360 wound solution

Groom’s Hand Derma360 Wound Solution®


“Groom’s Hand Derma360 is the easiest application I’ve ever experienced. No more hoping I’ll coat the whole wound. It’s also clear so no stains on my dogs fur!”

—Mary B, Review

Groom’s Hand Deep Thrush Gel®

Groom’s Hand Deep Thrush Gel® with its synergistic blend offers a highly effective solution for combating thrush in horse hooves by penetrating deep into the affected areas, lasting up to 24hours after application.

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RJ Matthews is the National Distributor for Groom’s Hand® Products